Create an Overlay for a Single Export Job

Export Overlay Jobs can be created from a completed Processing Export Job, a completed Data Extract Export Job, and from Ipro Eclipse and Relativity autoload export jobs.

Note: This applies only to individual Export Jobs and not Export Series or the job type grouping folders. For information about creating an overlay for an Export Series, see Create an Overlay for an Export Series.

The Overlay functionality is used to apply new or modified metadata fields onto an existing data set. It modifies the load files that were selected for the original Export Job. Data is organized by overlay and volume.

The Export wizard launches and displays screens and dialog boxes based on the original load files selected for the original export job. The settings for the load file types can be modified. For example, if the Custom Export Format was selected, then the options pages specific to the Custom Export Format display in the wizard. However, additional load file types may not be added.

Note: The Back button is disabled and the [BEGDOC] field is required, it cannot be removed.

When you complete the steps of the wizard and it closes, the Export Overlay Job goes into the Job Queue pane and is automatically given the name of the original Export Job with the word Overlay added, (for example, Custom Export Overlay). The Export Overlay Job also displays in the Client Management Tree View beneath the export job it was created from.

The settings, output, and report may be viewed for the Export Overlay Job. The output folder created for the export overlay is called overlay_n, where n represents a number (for example, overlay_004).

The contents of the overlay_n folder is based on the load formats that were selected for the original export job.

Autoload Export Jobs for Eclipse and Relativity

When creating an Export Overlay Job for autoload export jobs (Eclipse and Relativity), the following conditions apply:

  • Overlay is the default action; not append.

  • The field mapping interface appears.

  • The same case (project) database selection appears.

  • The [BEGDOC] field is always required from the metadata field list, whereas the rest of the previously selected fields are removed.

Note: Overlays on a direct-export to Eclipse use the "overlay" import method; The Relativity import method must be specified in a new KWE for the overlay.

Create an Overlay Export Job

  1. In the Client Management Tree View, right click a Process Export or Data Extract Export job to display the right-click context menu.

  2. Click Create Overlay. The Export wizard appears.

  3. Make any required changes to the wizard settings.

  4. Click Finish to close the wizard. The Export Overlay Job displays in the Job Queue pane.

  5. Start the Export Overlay Job.

  6. When the Export Overlay Job is finished, and not longer displays in the Job Queue, you can click the Export Overlay Job in the Client Management Tree View.

  7. In the status summary pane to the right, click to access the export directory and view the output for the selected Export Overlay Job.


Related Topics

Create a Data Extract Export Job

Create a Processed Data Export Job